Taskuzhina Aisha, department of molecular biology and
genetics, faculty of biology and biotechnology,
Al Farabi Kazakh National University,

Khusnitdinova Marina, Kapytina Anastasiya,
MoiseevRuslan, Sagitov Abay, Gritsenko Dilyara
Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology,
Almaty city, Kazakhstan
E-mail: ataskuzina@gmail.com

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Key words: Malus sieversii, genetic diversity, apple tree breeding, biodiversity, ecosystems, wild apple trees.


Malus sieversii, progenitor of many apple cultivars throughout the world is an important source of genetic diversity for apple breeding programs. Due to the reduction of the distribution area and the gene pool, Malus sieversii is becoming more vulnerable and its protection is important for the conservation of the genetic diversity of the apple tree and the biodiversity of the Tien Shan ecosystem. NDVI is one of the most common vegetation indices for solving various problems of assessing the state of vegetation cover and its dynamics. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the state of wild Sievers apple trees in the territory of Northern Tien-Shan using the NDVI index. Through the utilization of multispectral reconstructions of the NDVI vegetation index, the geographical characteristics of Sivers apple tree populations were determined within the boundaries of four regions, encompassing Zhongar-Alatau State National Nature Park and Ile-Alatau State National Nature Park. The findings derived from this analysis hold practical value for the effective administration of environmental conservation efforts within Zhongar-Alatau SNNP and Ile-Alatau SNNP.


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  3. Opletaev A.S., Zhigulin E.V., Kosov V.A. Using the NDVI vegetation index to assess the condition of forest plantations on disturbed lands // Forests of Russia and management in them. — 2019. — № 3 (70). – P. 15-23.
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