Naralieva Nasibakhon, Sidikjanov Nodirbek,
Fazliddinov Firdavs, Faculty of Natural Science,
Andijan State University,
Andijan city, Uzbekistan
Key words: adventive species, invasive species, xenophyte, ergaziophyte , biotope, ruderal.
This article provides information on the distribution and current status of plant species in the urban flora of Andijan city. A preliminary species list of invasive flora is also provided.
Based on the conducted field studies, scientific sources and large-scale analysis of herbarium samples, it was found that 315 species of plants belonging to 47 families, 196 genera, and 57 invasive plants belonging to 43 genera are found in the urban flora of Andijan city. Information about distribution biotopes of species, life forms, and ecological groups in relation to humidity is given.
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