Alibayev Maxammadillo Akbaraliyevich doctoral student,
Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute,
Andijan city, Uzbekistan Republic,
Abdisattarov Kambarali, candidate of biological sciences,
senior researcher, Kulun-Ata state nature reserve,
Kyrgyz Republic,
Key words: trap, mulberry variety, hybrids, leaves, varieties, re-feeding, high-stamp plantations, mulberry yield, larvae, silk-separating gland, productivity, worm wear, and cocoon.
This article discusses and analyzes the current state of cocoon growing in our republic and the main ways of its development, as well as analyzes the results of experiments to determine the effectiveness of the use of biophysical traps in the fight against mulberry moth. In the experiments, we used natural and artificial rubber impregnated with an antioxidant pheromone and 1 LED operating in the 1 µm wavelength range. According to the analysis of the obtained results, it was noticed that there were 10 times more silkworm butterflies caught in illuminated pheromone traps than in non-lit traps, and the number of butterflies caught at night was about 11 times more compared to the number of butterflies caught at night. caught during the day. The purpose of this work is to analyze the factors affecting the quality and yield of the cocoon. Accordingly, the most essential part of the mulberry tree is its leaf, and when growing cocoons, it is considered the only food for the silkworm. Mulberry leaf contains sugar, protein, fat, water, enzymes and various vitamins necessary for the silkworm body. It has been researched that the timing of the mating of the Mulberry drugelis butterfly, which is causing the few in the mulberry leaf to decrease, depends on the heating of the obi-air. In this work, the factors affecting the quality and productivity of the cocoon were analyzed. Accordingly, the most important part of the mulberry tree is its Leaf, which is the only food for the silkworm in the cultivation of cocoons. The mulberry leaf contains sugar, protein, fat, water, enzymes and various vitamins necessary for the body of The Silkworm. It has been studied that the timing of the mating of the Mulberry drugelis butterfly, which is the cause of the decrease in the number of hairs on the mulberry leaf, depends on the weather warming.
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